Category: Lifestyle

From boring lectures to immersive learning: the benefits of virtual reality in education

mm Paul Verbiton January 12, 2023
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New technologies are about to revolutionize the way students learn in the classroom. One such example is the Virtual Reality (VR) which is getting traction in the educational fi... read more

5 tips for buying a car online

mm Paul Verbiton September 13, 2022
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It is said that many people spend more time choosing a car to buy than a person to marry. Cars are an extension of our personality and we tend to make the decision based on emot... read more

Italian citizenship by descent – can you claim through a female ancestor

mm Paul Verbiton October 11, 2021
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Extended family walking on beach
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As the dual citizenship trend gains popularity in the US, Americans want to explore options in the EU. Italy emerges as one of the most preferred destinations as it offers a mix... read more

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