
mm Paul Verbiton September 18, 2018
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New on Netflix

Hey, dear visitor, welcome to the Netflix blog. I know you don’t recognize the Netflix interface, it’s normal, you got on my blog simply because your typed it wrong. How’s that? Well, you typed netflix.xom instead of typing the real and correct address of their website which is I’m sure this was the last time you made this mistake but since you got here, let me share with you some interesting facts about Netflix. And since you got it wrong with netflix.xom, let me, as a form of amusement, use the same mistake here. Here we go!


Netflix has around 137 million subscribers worldwide, and you are one of them! They’s about 59 million in the United States alone. Huge popularity, isn’t it?

Netflix is available worldwide. Really? Not exactly. Almost worldwide. Meaning all over the world except in Mainland China, Syria, North Korea and Crimea. In Mainland China the Netflix content is distributed by iQiYi, a Chinese video streaming platform owned by Baidu.

The company was founded in 1997! That’s more than 20 years ago! Can you imagine that? Did you know that? To be more precise, it was founded on August 29, 1997 in in Scotts Valley, California.

Netflix’s initial business model included DVD sales and rental by mail. It was only in 2007 Netflix introduced the online streaming. But, that’s an interesting fact, they didn’t give up the DVD and Blu-ray rental service.

The international expansio of Netflix occured in 2010 when streaming became available in Canada, then Latin America and the Caribbean.

The first own production was Lilyhammer, premiered on Netflix in North America on 6 February 2012, with all eight episodes available in full for streaming on the service and promoted as “the first time Netflix offered exclusive content”. Today there is a huge variety of “Netflix Original” content through its online library.


Netflix introduced the monthly subscription concept in September 1999, building its reputation on the business model of flat-fee unlimited rentals without due dates, late fees, shipping and handling fees, or per-title rental fees. One year later, in 2000, Netflix had just about 300,000 subscribers. But they were losing money so decided to offer to be acquired by Blockbuster for $50 million. Fortunately for the futur of Netflix, the offer was declined. It was in 2002 Netflix saw a significant increase in their subscription business, allowing them to develop the business. As the popularity kept growing, the number of titles available for streaming was increasing as well, and had reached 12,000 movies and shows in June 2009.


In January 2016 Netflix started blocking virtual private networks, or VPNs. This was necessary because of the company’s major international expansion of its service into 150 countries.

Here’s a link to an article about how to get American Netflix in Australia. I guess if it works for the Aussies, the solution will work in other countries as well.

According to Global Internet Phenomena Report Netflix consumes 15% of all internet bandwidth globally, the most by any single application.

What is on Netflix

On October 1, 2006, Netflix offered a $1,000,000 prize to the first developer of a video-recommendation algorithm that could beat its existing algorithm, at predicting customer ratings by more than 10%.

A “Netflix Original” is new content that is produced, co-produced, or distributed by Netflix exclusively on their services. Netflix funds their original shows differently than other TV networks when they sign a project, providing the money upfront and immediately ordering two seasons of most series.

In October 2017, Netflix iterated a goal of having half of its library consist of original content by 2019.

Netflix has exclusive pay TV deals with several studios: Relativity Media, Rogue Pictures, DreamWorks Animation, FilmDistrict, Sony Pictures Animation, Walt Disney Studios, Warner Bros., Universal Pictures, Sony Pictures Entertainment, 20th Century Fox, Hasbro Studios, Saban Brands, Funimation, and Viz Media.

Category: Blog, Fun
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Paul Verbiton

I enjoy spotting opportunities and doing my best to grab them if I can. I am eager to see the world, I love taking photos and writing, coming up with topics that are pleasant to read, funny, and interesting at the same time.

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