All you need to know about RV tire maintenance and monitoring

mm Paul Verbiton July 16, 2019
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rv on the side of the road

When you have decided to become a full-time RV camper, you need to make sure that your RV is in good shape. A tire issue is the last thing you want to happen when you hit the road. However, this problem is inevitable when you don’t consider regular maintenance. There are many aspects of tire maintenance that you need to keep in mind. So if you have been RVing for more than a decade, tire maintenance should be a priority.

Checking Tire Pressure

The sticker on your RV is one of the important things you need to look at when maintaining your tires. When checking your tire, be sure to read the loading label. This can be usually found on your RV’s drivers side. The label provides you a list of tire size, cargo weight and pressure that the manufacturer recommends. It is important that you follow the correct pressure when inflating your tires. Avoid overloading your RV and always check if the tires’ weight is kept within the maximum based on the label.

Follow Tire Monitoring System

You also need to use a monitoring system to find out about your tire temperature. There are monitoring devices you can use that will warn you if a tire problem occurs. These devices are helpful because they can prevent road accidents caused by worn tires. The device will also save you from shouldering expensive repair bill. When you purchase a monitoring device, be sure that it can include your tow vehicle if it is not equipped with the monitoring system. Aside from lowering the tire pressure, the other purpose of a monitoring device is to spot issues with your alignment due to differing temperatures.

Review The Tire Speed Rating

You also have to watch out for the tire speed rating. When you are on the road, you have to maintain a safe speed. The same principle applies when towing your vehicle. On the sidewall, you will get a list of maximum speed recommended for a specific tire. It is important that you do not exceed the recommended speed. Most tires limit tire speed rating to 65 mph. There are also tires with higher speed ratings which can range from 74 mph to 85 mph. If the maximum speed has not been indicated, you should follow the default speed rating which is 65 mph. You should also take the interstate speed into consideration, which is 65 mph or less, especially if you frequently stop distances.

Inspect Tires Regularly

After your RV trip, be sure to check your tires once you return home. Look for signs of tire wear, damage on the side wall or anything that you suspect to cause your tire to pose a threat to your safety while on the road. Replace the tire before going on your next camping trip. You should also hire a professional to inspect your RV tires and determine the possible cause of the problem. Some of the possible causes of a problematic tire are damaged suspension, alignment, overloaded suspension, and excessive weight or speed.

Don’t Forget To Upgrade The Tires

You do not have to be a full-time RVer to consider upgrading your tires. Do not wait for your tires to fail before considering upgrading them. If you have poor quality tires, you should consider an upgrade following the manufacturer’s recommendation. It is essential that you follow the correct recommendation so you will not encounter any problems when using your RV. If you have D-rated tires, consider upgrading them to E rated tires. You will have peace of mind when on the road once you know that your tires are working perfectly.

Know The Age Of Your Tires

Take note when you bought your RV from a Dallas RV dealer because you might not have considered replacing your tires the day you bought your vehicle. Your tires should not be more than 5 years old. It should not also be dry rotted. Whether you are a full-time or part-time RVer, carrying two spare tires is a must. You can lose two tires at once and you need to be prepared for the worst.

These tire maintenance and monitoring tips will save you from any road accidents that happen due to failing tires. Maintenance is not expensive if you keep the long-term benefits in mind.

Category: Blog, Lifestyle, Travel
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Paul Verbiton

I enjoy spotting opportunities and doing my best to grab them if I can. I am eager to see the world, I love taking photos and writing, coming up with topics that are pleasant to read, funny, and interesting at the same time.

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