Post Tagged with: "Insurance"

What is the effect of medical billing audit non-compliance?

mm Paul Verbiton March 16, 2020
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Although California is only the third-largest state in the United States in terms of territory, it is also the most populous, with nearly 40 million people. For example, it pion... read more

A simple guide to personal accident insurance

mm Paul Verbiton November 19, 2019
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For a lot of tradies, you have the freedom of being self-employed which means you’re your own boss and can take on as much or as little work as you need. However, it also mean... read more

Buying car insurance from a car dealer: pros and cons

mm Paul Verbiton February 28, 2019
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Buying a car is a huge investment that consists of many steps. After putting in hours of research hunting for the perfect car and scouting for the best deal, the satisfaction of... read more

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