Prepare for some DIY with these workshop organization ideas

mm Paul Verbiton January 28, 2019
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workshop tools

You just saw an awesome project online, and you’re excited to get started! So, you go to your garage or workshop to get started. You reach for your trusty cordless drill, and it’s gone! You think “I could’ve sworn I put that there”.

Now you are sifting through all the junk you’ve accumulated over the years, just trying to find one tool. Does this sound like a situation you’ve experienced? If it does, then this article is for you. Read on and learn about workshop organization ideas you can use today!

Organizational Tools

The saying “hell hath no fury like a man whose tools have gone missing” is very accurate, and could be extended to women as well. If your tools are currently scattered around your workshop here are a few ways to designate and keep them in their home. Your workshop or garage will look better than ever with these garage storage systems!


Cabinets are the best way to protect your tools. Many tools cost hundreds of dollars, having them out in the open may attract unwanted attention from potential thieves. With a cabinet organization system, your most expensive tools will be safe, from thieves or family members, who always forget to return tools.

If you want to go all in, there are numerous cabinet systems you can put in your workspace. These systems provide enough room for all your tools. This may cost more, but the added security is a huge benefit. Plus, cabinets hide everything from view, it’ll keep your workshop looking nice and tidy.

Standalone cabinets combine well with both pegboard and rack systems. You can keep your high dollar tools in the cabinet, your hand tools on the pegboard, and your garden tools in a rack. This combined approach is cheaper than a cabinet system and gives you all the benefits of pegboard systems and racks.


For big tools-like shovels, weed eaters, and rakes-a standalone rack can help you keep things organized. You can buy a nice standalone rack from your local hardware store. Most can hold between 20 and 40 different garden tools. These are perfect for workshops without wall space.

Don’t feel like spending money for a glorified tool holder? You can also make your own rack using a palette board. All you need is a pallet board, a few hooks, and a little extra wood (you could use the wood from another pallet).

Cut off four pieces of wood, about 6 to 8 inches long, these are your legs. You can hammer or drill these on the base of the pallet, so it stands up by itself. You can slide about 8 rakes or other long tools at the top of the pallet. If you want storage for small tools just add some screw hooks to the front, sides, or even back, of the pallet.

Peg Board

Pegboard is another way to organize your workshop. Pegboard is inexpensive, easy to install, and efficiently utilizes space. To get started all you need is the board, some hooks, and a way to mount the board to a wall.

You can cover an entire wall in pegboard for maximum storage. Another option is to cut a piece of pegboard and add it into a frame, it will look nicer but won’t hold as much. Pegboards can hold hand tools, garden tools, and even components/parts/pieces.

One way to keep your board organized, is by tracing the outline of the tool onto the pegboard, that way you can tell at a glance if your tool is missing. If tracing isn’t enough, try using a label maker (or some painters tape) to label which tool goes on each hook.

Tips for Organizing Your Workspace and Keeping it Organized

Now you that you have decided on a workshop organization system, you’ll need to start organizing your space. Workshops and garages tend to gather unneeded items. All that extra stuff makes organizing even harder, so the first step is to get rid of stuff.

Clean Out Your Workshop

Before you set up your new pegboard, cabinets, or racks, you need to cut out the clutter. It sounds easy until you get started. Make sure you plan at least a day for cleaning your workspace, people with more clutter might want more time.

To start, create three piles. Pile one is junk, pile two is things to keep, and pile three is things to donate or sell. Now go through your things and place them into their corresponding pile. If you have a truck, designate the truck bed for junk items, it’ll make it easier to haul off.

Organize Your Workshop

Your junk has been hauled off, and your donation/sell pile is depleted. Finally, you can organize what’s left! Again, it is best to make several piles for categories of items. For example, a cleaning supplies pile, woodwork pile, automotive pile, tools, and so on.

Once you have your new piles, you can set up your organization system. Designate a category of item for each drawer, shelf, pegboard, and rack. Then it’s time to find everything a home, a label maker really helps with this process.

Go through and label where everything should go. It’s a good idea to trace outlines on peg boards and also shelves.


In conclusion, follow these tips for ultimate garage organization:

  • Cabinets offer security and a workplace that looks clean
  • Racks are great for storing more significant tools
  • Pegboards can do it all but maybe unsightly
  • Eliminate excess junk before you organize
  • Create three piles to sort through your things
  • Organize the remaining items by category
  • Install your new organization system
  • Label and trace where everything should go
  • Admire your stunning, systematized, and efficient garage!
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Paul Verbiton

I enjoy spotting opportunities and doing my best to grab them if I can. I am eager to see the world, I love taking photos and writing, coming up with topics that are pleasant to read, funny, and interesting at the same time.

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