Fantastic gift ideas for hikers

mm Paul Verbiton January 21, 2021
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tourist man sitting on rock near the canyon

If you are lucky to have a hiking enthusiast in your family or your circle of friends, then this post is meant for you. If you have been contemplating about gifting them with a special hiking gear that they will love, appreciate and actually use, the information contained here will be of great importance to you.

Trekkers spend most of their time outdoors. Therefore, to win their heart, you must consider a gift that is more useful in outdoor adventures. If you are not a hiker or you aren’t familiar with hiking gear, the task can be overwhelming. Fortunately, with the ideas below, be sure to get some creative, unique and realistic gifts that will surprise even your hiking friends or loved ones.

Hikers and outdoor enthusiasts gift ideas

Even if your hiking buddies seem to have everything they need to go hiking for days or even weeks, you will still get an accessory that will wow them. Besides, you can also help them replace a worn out or just old fashioned gear with a newer and more comfortable one. They will really be appreciative.

A pair of sunglasses

Every hiker would greatly appreciate a pair of sunglasses that are comfortable and well-fitting. It gets too irritating when you have to keep on fixing your sunglasses every time you trip, jump or run. If you can get a hiker good-quality sunglasses which would just stay on their face as they enjoy the hiking experience, you would have done them a great favour.

A vacuum flask

There is nothing quite satisfying to a hiker than the privilege of enjoying a hot cup of coffee, tea or chocolate on top of their favourite summit. It feels like a treat to them for their effort. A hot beverage is also important to a hiker in cold mornings or during the winter. If you want to make things easier for that hiker in your life, then a vacuum flask would be fantastic. Look for one that can hold the heat for at least 8 hours. The longer they can have a hot drink within their reach the better for them.

Tough socks

If the person you are intending to gift has been into hiking for a reasonable period of time, then they already have several hiking socks. Over the same, no hiker can admit to having enough socks. So, don’t hesitate to shop for the best pair of hiking socks in the market. Also, make sure you get the ones that are super comfortable and highly functional. These are traits that every hiker adores when out there exploring nature.

Outdoor pocket blanket

Any hiker or outdoorsy person will definitely love an outdoor blanket. It is light, packable and it’s easy to whip it out whenever you need to use it. Let your friend enjoy a picnic on the trail by sitting on a water and sand proof outdoor pocket blanket. The blanket should also be versatile enough to withstand tough handling in the wild. One impressive thing about an outdoor blanket is that it can also be used as a beach blanket, picnic blanket or even a camping tarp. An ideal gift to a hiker who is so much into outdoor activities.

Freeze-dried food

If the hiker in your life seems to have every gear, then check on the food. Hikers need to eat well and stay hydrated all though if they are going to enjoy their hiking experience. Thus, you can’t go wrong with freeze-dried backpacking food as a gift for your friend who loves to go hiking for days. The food is easy to pack and very light. It won’t be a burden to the hiker. Plus, the food is easy to prepare and tasty too. Meaning, your hiking lovers will be able to prepare a delicious dish within a few. Imagine someone enjoying a tasty meal far away from home after a long day of walking and climbing? They will love you for this.

Healthy hiking snacks

A sure way to keep every hiker on the toe is to gift them with a box full of healthy hiking snacks. This is a practical gift that any hiker will appreciate. People who love to hike love hiking snacks not only because they are yummy but because they keep their energy levels high so that they can enjoy their hike without feeling hungry and tired.

Water filter

A personal water filter is very essential to every hiker no matter the duration of the hiking adventure. Even if you are going for a day hike and you have carried enough water to last you for the day, a water filter still comes in handy particularly if you happen to run out of water.

There are so many reasons why a hiker would get out of water even to the veterans. One, the weather may become hotter than you had anticipated and you end up drinking more water because you have to stay hydrated throughout the adventure. You may also get lost or stranded and this will take you longer to get home or a place you can access clean drinking water.

A practical and inexpensive way to ensure your buddy stays hydrated no matter what is to gift them with a water filter. In fact, a water filter is a must-have to any hiker or an outdoorsy person. The filter is small and doesn’t take much of your space. A hiker doesn’t have any reason why this shouldn’t be in their packing list.


This is something that most hikers don’t have especially those who love to hike during the day. What they fail to consider is the fact that something may come up and they are forced to continue with the hike after dark. Even if you had planned for a half-day hike, something can still come up and delay you from getting back home. The headlamp also comes in handy if you are going to camp overnight because you can use the light and at the same time free your hands to do other things. Thus, gift that hiking enthusiast with a nice headlamp and tell them you care about their safety. Even if you don’t tell them, the gift will.

Gift a hiking lover

Whether you are on a budget or not familiar with hiking gear and accessories, these gift ideas will inspire you to choose the right gift for your relative, partner or a friend who is so much into hiking. You don’t have to be nervous though, most hiking enthusiasts are easy to please. You see the way they enjoy being outdoor exploring nature? It’s because they are easily satisfied with simple things in life. Anything that will make their journey a little more comfortable, safe and fun is all they need.

Category: Blog, Lifestyle, Travel
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Paul Verbiton

I enjoy spotting opportunities and doing my best to grab them if I can. I am eager to see the world, I love taking photos and writing, coming up with topics that are pleasant to read, funny, and interesting at the same time.

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