Most common types of cars

mm Paul Verbiton February 13, 2020
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cars in round parking lot

Cars are one of the most prominent inventions by man. They are used for transporting people and goods to different places with ease and convenience. Unlike Western Europe, cars were adopted rapidly in the US and have replaced carts and animal-drawn carriages. Over the years, these entities have developed more features making it more reliable and easier to maneuver; these include in-car entertainment, navigation systems, air conditioning, cameras, and rear reversing.

Through time, hundreds of brands and types were created and sold to the public. And for the purpose of classification, car manufacturers have divided these products into categories; this has also helped dealers and sales analysts in discussing auto sales figures.

Approximately, including automobiles, light trucks, and hybrids, there are 17 various types of cars being sold worldwide. And to help you identify them, here are some of the most common cars usually used by the public.


Sedans are one of the most common types of cars used by people. Its enclosed trunk assures security and its rear doors offer easy access and entry for the rear-seat passengers. Also, the sedan is usually the type created by most luxury cars because it gives more comfort than the other body styles.

Furthermore, these cars also vary in size. Examples of mid-size sedans are the Chevrolet Lumina, Ford Taurus, Toyota Camry, and Honda Accord, while Buick LeSabre and Ford Crown Victoria are considered as large-size sedans.


Another type for a luxurious car, a coupe is commonly used by an adult or a couple since it can only accommodate two passengers. Instead of a trunk, most coupes have a hatchback, allowing small items to be carried in short distances.

Although its features are still lacking in many aspects, coupe becomes a trend because of its slick appearance and remarkable engine.

Station Wagons

Station wagons are great for a big number of groups or families. In fact, most new and used cars for sale are sold in the market have this body type because it is more stable, SUV-sized interiors, lower insurance rates, and better gas mileage. Thus, for travelers and active families, this car type is mostly recommended.

Pickup trucks

Pickup trucks are great for carrying tons of baggage on long roads. Unlike the previously mentioned car types, this is a light-duty truck that has an open cargo area located at its back and has a spacious room that could accommodate 4 to 5 passengers. People prefer this type because it could handle different terrains and endure long hours of drive.


Cars are the primary instrument used for transportation. They have contributed benefits such as convenience, independence, mobility, transportation provisions, revenue generation from the taxes, and travel opportunities in both personal and social aspects.

The hundreds of new and used cars for sale is manufactured around the world have created the ability for the people to move flexibly to different places. With the expanding knowledge in science and technology, these machines will increase more in the future and help industrialize more countries.

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Paul Verbiton

I enjoy spotting opportunities and doing my best to grab them if I can. I am eager to see the world, I love taking photos and writing, coming up with topics that are pleasant to read, funny, and interesting at the same time.

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