The best sport fishes you can catch in Sydney waters

mm Paul Verbiton August 3, 2020
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Sydney, which is the capital city of New South Wales, Australia, has a harbour with a total area of fifty-five square kilometres. Sydney harbour is also considered the principal port of New South Wales and one of the finest natural harbours across the globe. Because of the appeal of Sydney’s coastline, there are a lot of boat hire, Sydney Harbour companies offering boat charters for just about any reason imaginable. One of the more common goals to hire a boat is for sport fishing.

Sydney is home to a multitude of fish species unique to the Australian continent. Because Australia is somewhat isolated with only New Zealand as its closest neighbouring country, the fish species found within the continent’s waters grow larger than anywhere in the world. The large fish variety in Sydney waters is the main reason why sport fishing is immensely popular. Here are some of the best fish species to catch when you book a fishing charter boat for you and your friends.


The barramundi is considered as one of the giant fishes that you can catch in Australian waters. Adults of this species can measure up to 1.8 meters in length and weight to as much as sixty kilograms. Barramundi is among the common catches during March and April but maybe caught all year long. This species of giant fish can live in both fresh and saltwater.


Another fish variety that is sought after for sport fishing is the mackerel. This species is abundant in the waters surrounding the Australian continent and can be found all year round. The sporting challenge in catching this fish is that the mackerel is very elusive and is considered as one of the fastest fish species out there.


Australian waters are home to every variety of marlin ranging from the giant black marlin, the striped marlin, and even the blue marlin. The black marlin is among the heaviest and largest fish species in the world. It is believed that the black marlin can grow up to the weight of 750 kilograms. However, the heaviest documented black marlin caught weighs 1560 pounds or approximately 707 kilograms and was hooked on August 4, 1953, after an hour and forty-five-minute fight. Australian black marlin is commonly caught between September through December.


Any sport and angler fisherman will swear that the swordfish is the ultimate catch. Fortunately, Australian waters have plenty of swordfish that you can go after. However, to catch this elusive and fast fish species, you have to go into deeper waters, and you have to prepare yourself for a long and tough fight to reel this monster in. Most, if not all of the boat hire Sydney harbour captains will know locations that swordfish are often spotted or caught.
Sport fishing is a thrilling and exciting sport to get into. However, it may be expensive to hire a fishing charter boat on your own. You can make your fishing adventure more affordable by inviting a few of your friends to come along for the ride or even to try to catch the fish with you. There are fishing charter boats that you can hire for as low as $4670 per hour with a maximum passenger capacity of ten people. So, if you maximize your passenger limit, you and your friends will only spend $46.70 per hour to get a thrilling sport adventure of your life.

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Paul Verbiton

I enjoy spotting opportunities and doing my best to grab them if I can. I am eager to see the world, I love taking photos and writing, coming up with topics that are pleasant to read, funny, and interesting at the same time.

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